Monday, April 30, 2012

Workbook Unit 10

Unit 10

Lesson A
 1. Postcards are slower than e-mail.
2. Cell-phone service is more expensive than regular phone service.
3. Instant messaging is easier than text messaging.
4. I think e-cards are more convenient than regular cards.
5. To me, regular photos are nicer than digital photos.
6. I think junk mail is even worse than spam.
7. It’s most important to have a phone than to have a computer.
8. Online newspapers are better than regular newspapers.

Dong Un I love my new laptop. It’s so much better than my old desktop.
Loni         But aren’t regular computers cheap than laptops?
Dong Un Yes, but they’re more useful than laptops because you can’t take them to the library or on a trip.
Loni        Well, maybe laptops are cooler than desktops, but my big computer is more quick than most laptops.
Dong Un  Yeah, but it sure is a lot heavier !

1. Jason thinks desktop computer are more convenient than laptops.
   Jason thinks desktop computer are less convenient than laptops.
2. Sandra thinks e-cards are more fun than postcards.
  Sandra thinks e-cards are less fun than post cards.
3. Robert’s grandparents think instant messaging is easier than phone calls.
Robert’s grandparents think instant messaging is more easy than phone calls.
4. Jay and Sun Hee think video conferences are more boring than long business meetings.
   Jay and Sun Hee think video conferences are boring than long business meetings.

Lesson B

1. have a bad b            b. connection
2. call me c                  c. back
3. have another c         c. mistake
4. leave a  b                 b. message
5. have the wrong a     a. number
6. please hold a           a. on
7. get cut c                   c. off
1. Sheila called me at work, but I was in an important meeting and couldn’t talk. I asked Sheila to call me back later.
2. Rick can’t hear Andrea because there’s too much noise on the line. They have a bag connection .
3. William needs to talk to Jessica, but she’s not home. He wants her to return his call, so he’ll have to leave a message.
4. Jim wanted to call his brother, but he accidentally called someone he didn’t know. He has the wrong number.
5. I have problems with my cell phone. Every time I walk into my bedroom, I hear a tone and then I get out off.
6. I called Mike, but his wife said he was upstairs watching TV. She asket me go have another mistake while she called him to the phone.
7. Jeri works at home, and she gets a lot of phone calls. Every time I call her, I have to hold on because she please hold on.

1. I can’t hear you. We have a bad connection.
  b. Call me back on a different phone.
2. Please leave a message.
  a. Hi, Frank. This is Manny. Call me at home.
3. Can you hold on, please?
  a. Sure, no problem.
4. Oh, I’m sorry. I think I have the wrong number.
  b. No problem.
5. Good morning, Cambridge University Press.
  a. Would you like to leave a message?
6. Did you get my message?
  a. Yeah, I think I did.

1. Nancy Wow! Look at my mailbox. It’s full. I get more junk than you do.
    Bill      Yeah, but you only had two spam messages last week. I had twenry!
                I get more  spam than you do.
2. Julie Oh, no! My cell-phone bill is really high this month! I need to talk more  than
             I did last month.
    Paula Let me see. Sixty dollars? That’s not bad. Mine was ninety-five dollars.
               My cell phone costs me fewer  money than yours!
3. Dan  I only had two text messages last month. I get more text messages than phone calls.
    Eric   I don’t really like to use my cell phone too much. Actually, I like instant messaging more  than text messaging.
4. Miki Would you turn that computer off? You spend  more  time online than anyone I know!
    Larry  Well, I’m bored . You’re always watching TV. You could watch less   TV, you know!
5. Ben  Oh, no ! The server is down again! I need to change my provider to yours. You seen to have a lot more problems with your Internet service provider than I do.
    Paul  I don’t know. My provider breaks down less than your provider, but your service has more useful features than mine has.

Lesson C

1. Nolan Hi, Akemi! I have some good news.
   Akemi Oh, I’m sorry Hold on a second I just need to switch phones. I have another call.
   Nolan sure, I don’t mind.
2. Abby Kyle, it’s Abby. I’m at the supermarket and …
    Kyle Just a second. I have to turn off the TV. So, what were you saying.

Lesson D

Introduction to the topic of blogging---- Blogging is a popular form of e-communication. Many people write blogs, and even more people read them. There are both advantages and disadvantages to blogging.
Advantages of blogging-----  On the other hand, blogging is not always a good way to build a reputation. There are many millions of blogs on the Internet. A blogger doesn’t know if anyone is reading the blog until someone posts a comment.
Disadvantages of blogging----- I think that blogging is useful because it provides information to large numbers of readers.
Conclusion------- Blogs are helpful to Internet users because they help them find the Web sites that are better than others. Blogs are also useful for writers because people all over the world can read and comment on their writing.

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