Monday, March 12, 2012




    January 11th - Mom's birthday. Buy her flowers and cake.
     February 14th - Valentine's day.
     March 23rd - Suzzane's birthday. Go out for dinner.
     April 1st -  April Fool's day.
     May 4th - My birthday.
     June 2nd - end of exams.
        21st - School graduation . Rent a cap and gown.
     July 1st - summer vacation starts.
       22nd - Dad's 65th birthday and anniversary party.
     September 10th - Jack and Betty's wedding.
                            Send them a card.
      October 31st - Halloween.
      November 29th - Family reunion for thanksgiving.
       December 31st - New year's Eve  party.
          January 9th - my friend's birthday.
          February - Tsagaan sar.
          March 8th - woman's day.
          April 1st - April Fools day.
          May 31st - Anti smoking.
         June 1st - child and mom's day
         July 11th - Naadam
          August - summer holiday.
         October 18th - My birthday.
         November 26th - State advertised day.
    December 1st - Anti "HIV" day 

Workbook Unit 6

Unit 6
Around town

                               1. It's on pine street , between the bank and the drugstore. It's across the street from the gas station.
   2. It's on OAK street between the show shop and dan's deli .
 3. It's on OAK street between the shoe shop and dan's deli.
                                4.    Its on the corner od third on pine street.
                                5. It's on pine street. The bookstore oustside gas station.
                                6. It's on Mickey's Sport there outsidde the drugstore.

                             1 .I here any parking a lot near here? Yes there s one on the corner of line.                                    
                             2. Is there video arcade any here ? It's on first avenue. Go down up.
                             3.Is there musuem in this town? No sorry musuem isn't here
                             4. Is there public restrooms on near here? NO any public restrooms isn't here.

                          1. Is there a good coffee shop in this neighborhood ?
                          2. Is there a good big department store?
                          3.Is there a convenience store?
                          4.Is there a internet cafe?
                          5.Is there any cheap restaurant?


                     1. aquarium
                     2. water park
                     3. running path
                     4. skate board ramp
                     5. stadium
                     6. vivitor's park
                     7. theater
                     8. parking garage
                     9. stadium
                     10. hotel

                         1.  Skate board ramp
                         2. Musuem of Modern art
                         3. Ferry

                         1. How can I help me ?
                         2. Give me directions how to get to the aquarium?
                         3.Can yiu tell me what you can do ?
                         4. Recommend a good place to go running.


                         1. I'm sorry ? Did you say 813 center street ? ,,,, Actually main on the left.
                         2. I'm sorry ? Did you say khaan bank ? ,,,,,,,,, Turn right ?
                         3. 2:20 ? ,,,,,,, DId you say 9:05?
                         4. Did you say pet star in bay srote?

                         1. They cost how much ?
                         2. There's said what path ?
                         3. What street ?
                         4. The aquaruim closes what time ?
                         5. How many blocks you say?

                         1. what
                         2. 500 dollars
                         3. 5 o'clock
                         4. where


                               a place that looks like the moon , an opal mine
                                3b ,
                                4 f ,
                                5 c ,
                                6 a
                               four ,
                               between ,
                               turn ,
                              out see,

Workbook Unit 5

Growing up
                           What's the year?
                               1. twenty ten                      2010                          5. 1982  nineteen eighty-two
                               2. nineteen oh four              1904                          6. 2006  two thousand six
                               3. two thousand eight          2008                          7. 2013  twenty thirteen
                               4. nineteen seventy-seven    1977                          8. 1998  nineteen ninety-eight
                                Talking about the past
1.   Rick  So, Dina, did you grow up here in Miami?
      Dina  Yes, I did, but weren't born here. My sister and I Were born in Puerto Rico,and we   moved here when we were kids.
      Rick   Did you study English when you were school in Puerto Rico?
      Dina   Yes, we were for a few years-but we weren’t really learn English until we came here.
      Rick   Wow! And now you speak English better than I do-and I was born here!
2.   Thomas   When were you born, Grandma?
      Grandma     I was born in 1929.
     Thomas        Really? Were you born here in Los Angeles?
     Grandma     No, I weren’t . Your grandfather and I were both born in China.
     Thomas       So when did you come to the U.S.?
      Grandma     My family were move here until I was 13 years old.
      Thomas       Did you go to school in China?
      Grandma     No, I didn’t. My parents were rich, so I had to work.
      Thomas        And when was grandpa born?
      Grandma      He was born in 1928, but he says he was really until 1947.
      Thomas         Why does he say that?
      Grandma       Because that’s when he met me.
                                                 A life story
This is a picture of my best friend, Mi Young. I took it a few years ago. Mi Young and I metin 1988. We were very  young  then  we became friends. Mi Young is a very interesting person. She was born in Busan, South Korea, in 1984. Her family moved to the U.S.when  she was three years old. They lived in Chicago until Mi Young was fifteen. Thenthey moved to New York City. I cried for a long time after they moved.
Mi Young didn’t live in New York long because she came back to Chicago college whenshe has a eighteen. We were roommates at the University of Chicago four  years- job in Phoenix, Arizona, and moved there. I really miss her! But guess what? Two months ago  I got a job there, too. I’m moving there in  two weeks, and I can’t wait!
                                                About you
1. When were you born?  I was born in 1994.
2. When were your parents born?  They are born in UB.
3. Where did you grow up?    I grow up here    
4. Who was your best friend five years ago?   Namarjargal was my best friend five years ago.
5. Did you ever a child when were you move?   No, I didn't
6. Did you play video when you were little?   No, I didn't
7. How long were you in elementary school?   I was elementary school for four years.
LESSON B                          
                                              Favorite classes
                                   What's the subject?
                1. history             chemistry               economics      geography    social studies
                2. gymnastics       dance                    art                  track            physical education
                3. geography       computer studies    algebra           calculus        mathematics
                4. literature          biology                  chemistry        physics         science
                5. choir                band                     drama             orchestra      culture studies   
                               Across                         Down
                           1. algebra                        2. geography
                           7. track                            3. art
                           8. choir                            4. biology
                           9. history                          5. literature
                         10. drama                        6. orchestra
                                   How did we do?
                            all, lot of, most, some, few, none
                                        Chemistry           English            Geography             Geometry
                Passed                   55%                100%                90%                      15%
                Failed                     45%                0%                    10%                       85%
1. Some students in the class passed chemistry. A few of them failed chemistry.
2. All of the students passed English. None of the students failed it.
3. A lot of the students passed geography. A few students failed it. 
4. A few the students passed geometry. A lot of students people failed it.
                                              About you
1. most of your friends liked? Most of my friends liked P.E
2. all of the students hat to study?  All of the students had to study English.
3. a lot of students hated?  A lot of the students hated geometry 
4. some of your classmates loved?  Some of classmates loved physics.
5. no students ever failed?  No students ever failed Russian.
6. a few students were always really good at?  a few students were always really good at math
7. none of your classmates liked?  None of my classmates liked Algorithim.
8. a lot of students got good grades in?  a lot of students got good grades in four grades.
9. some students dropped?  Some students dropped at
                                                     Well, actually,..
                       Correcting things you say
             1. A  All my friends are bilingual. They all speak two languages.
                         Well, not all of them. Josie speaks three languages.
                  B  that's amazing!
              2. A  The name of my elementary school was Park Elementary.
                         Well, no I guess I spent some weekends with my grandparents.    
                  B  That sounds like fun.
             3. A  We moved to Rio de Janeiro when I was ten.
                         No, wait . I was nine.
                 B   So you were pretty young.
               4.  A   I was on a swimming team until I was 16
                                 Actually no, I was 18 when I quit.
                    B   That's the reason you swim so well.
              5.   A   My brother and I had a perfect childhood
                                 Well, not perfect actually M dad lost his job.
                    B   Really? But you were generally pretty happy, right?
              6.   A   My cousin lived with us for a year-in 2003, I think
                                  Actually, no it as 2002  
                    B   That's was your cousin Alice, right?
             7.    A   My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mrs.Santana.
                                     No, wait.. Her name was Mrs.Santos. 
                    B   Oh, Yeah? my favorite teacher was Mr.Stiller.
             8.    A   When I was little, none of my friends had pets.
                                       Well, at least most of them didn't.
                     B   But you had a dog, Right?
              9.    A   I had black hair when I was born.
                                       Well, actually it was dark brown
                     B   Really? I was born with no hair at all! 
                                              I mean
1. When you were a child, what was the name of your first professor.  I mean, teacher?
2. Were you six or seven when you started high school. I mean elementary school.
3. In elementary school, did you have lunch in the school cafe. I mean kitchen?
4. As a kid, what was your favorite sport. I mean game?
   Did you like checkers?  I didn't play card.
5. When you were young, did you play any music, I mean music instrument, like the piano?
                                                 About you
1. I started school when I was three. Actually, no, when I was five.
2. The name of my elementary school was Park Elementary.
    No, wait... it was part.
3. My first teacher's name was Miss Parker, I mean, Miss Jargalmaa .
4. I always got good grades in every subject.
    Well, actually best grades
5. most of my childhood friends liked classical music.
    Well, no actually hip-hop.
6. When I was a child, my favorite holiday was Halloween, I mean New Year.
7. I remember all my classmates in kindergarten.
    Well, actually, some of my classmates.
8. A lot of my friends did gymnastics after school.
    No, wait... before school.
LESSON D                                              Teenage years
                                               Small-town story
                 1. Kathy Montano interviewed several people in her town about  Kathy Montano grew up in the small town of  Bagdad, Arizona.
                  2. Yolanda Sandoval came to Bagdad when she was a sixth month's
                  3. Yolanda's father didn't talk much about his work because he didn't like it
                  4. On Yolanda's birthday one year, her mother gave her one year purple party.
                  5. At the local movie theater, Yolanda and her brothers saw old cowboys movies.
                  6. Yolanda studied English for four years.
                                                    When I was a teenager
                    1. Did you like your teachers?
                              I liked all my teacher's except for my history teacher, Mr. Crown.
                    2. Did you get along with your parents?
                                No I didn't
                   3. Did you enjoy your high school subjects?
                               I enjoys to history.
                   4. Did you get along with all your classmates?
                                   No, I didn't
                   5. Did you and your best friend do a lot of things together?
                                  Yes, I did. We together a lot of things.

Workbook Unit 4

Unit 4


LESSON A                                        Birthday

1. What month is it?
 1A. write the months in the correct order.
 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

1. January is the first month of the year.
2. March is the third month of the year.
3. June is the sixth month of the year.
4. July is the seventh month of the year.
5. October is the tenth month of the year.
6. December is the last month of the year.

  When's her birthday?
Look at the  dates. Then write each person's birthday two ways.
1. Halle Berry's birthday is on august fourteenth.
    Halle Berry's birthday is on the Fourteenth of August.
2. Jackie Chan's birthday is on April seventh.
    Jackie Chan's birthday is on the seventh of April.
3. Jude Law's birthday is on December twenty ninth.
    Jude Law's birthday is on the twenty ninth of December.
4. Drew Barrymore birthday is on February twenty-second.
    Drew Barrymore birthday is on the twenty-second of February.
5. Sofia Coppola birthday is on May fourteen.
    Sofia Coppola birthday is on the  fourteen of May.
6. Ronaldo birthday is on September twenty-second.
    Ronaldo birthday is on the twenty-second of September.

3. Future plans

1. Sam     What are you going to do this weekend?
    Diane   I'm going to see my grandmother. We are going to have a birthday party for her.
    Sam     That's nice. So, is it big party?
    Diane   No, not really.We aren't going to much. It is just the family. Mom is bake her a cake.                                  Then her friends are going to take her dancing. She's tango teacher.
    Sam     Your grandmother's tango teacher's Cool.
2. Yumi    That was Jun on the phone. He can't take us to Sarah's party.
    Kara    Oh, no.Why not?
    Yumi    No car. His parents are going to the mountains, and they are taking the car.
    Kara    Well, we can't drive. Who else is there?
    Yumi    Dan, but he aren't going to until after work.
    Kara    Well, it looks like we are going to walk. wear comfortable shoes!

4. Happy birthday      
Complete the card with the correct pronouns.
Happy birthday! I'm sending you this card from Mexico. Hector and I are in Mexico City visiting his parents. His parents are showing them all the sights. His mother is so nice. I brought her some jewelry from New York, and she wear's it everywhere.
His mother is teaching me how to make Mexican food. She's going to send us a tamale pot when we get home. Hector loves tamales, so I can make him tamales next Christmas. We want to do something spetial for his parents, but we can't give usanything because they won't let us!
How about you? Can I bring you anything from Mexico For you birthday?

LESSON B                                           Special days

1. Good times

1. Ana and her classmates are going to wear a cap and gown. When they call her name, Ana's going to get a diploma.
2. The waiters are going to sing "Happy birthday"  and bring Erin a cake . She's going to make a wish and blow out the candles.
3. Allen and Carline are going to give her chocolates after dinner, Allen's going to go out romantic dinner.
4. Bruce and Sheila are going to a big party. They're going to shot "Happy New year" on the beach. Then at midnight, they're going to see fireworks.
5. Ahmad ans Keisha are going to get married. During the wedding, they're going to have a reception. After the wedding, they're going to exchange rings.
6. John and Rudy are going to wear costumes of their favorite comic-book characters. When tey're ready, they're doing to go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

2. A busy week
Write a sentence about each plan.
1. Oh May eight, George is having lunch with his mother.
2. Oh May nineth, George is meeting a Anna for dinner at 8:00
3. Oh May tenth, George is playing tennis after work
4. Oh May eleventh, George is having lunch with Joe.
5. Oh May twenth, George is doing Yoga before work.
6. Oh May thirteeth, George is going to Keith and Karen's wedding at 2:00
7. Oh May  fourteen, George is going to Jennifer's graduation party at 5:00 pm.

3. What's doing happen?

1. It's not going to be sunny.
2. It;s going to trick-or-treating.
3. It's not going to flowers
4. It's going to fireworks.
5. It's going to diploma.
6. It's not going to be snow.

LESSON C                                   Festivals and things

1. "Vague" expressions

1. Maya    What are you doing on New Year?
    Brittany  Well, my family's having dinner at my grandmother's house . You know, a big dinner with                              ham and  mashed potatoes and everything.
    Maya     Sounds great! Do you have pies and things?
    Brittany  Yeah, but I'm trying to lose weight. There's all this holiday food like cookiesand things. It's really                    hard to be on a diet.
    Maya     Yeah, I have the same problem. And I work at a bakery and everything. So let's enjoy                                  the holidays and diet next year.
    Brittany   Great idea! I'm hungry. Let's go out and eat some cake, ice cream, and things.

2. Carol  Can we do something romantic for our anniversary this year and everything ? Can you give me                       chocolates,    send me flowers.
    Bill      Sure, I can do that and everything.
    Carol  And I'd like to go out for a nice dinner.
    Bill      Well, it depends. Where do you want to go?
    Carol  Somewhere with violin music and candles and everything.
    Bill      OK... Uh, do you want a present, too?
    Carol  Of course! I'd like some jewelry, some clothes, and things.
    Bill      Oh, When's our anniversary again?
    Carol  On the twenty-fifth.
    Bill      Well, I need to get a weekend job to pay for all this.

3. Sonia  Hey, the Rodeo Days festival starts tomorrow and things. So, what is it exactly?
    Pete    Well, every February, kids dress up in cowboy costumes. They wear hats and ride horses,                           and there's a parade and everything. Are you going?
    Sonia  Maybe. I don't know, I'm not big on cowboys and things.
    Pete    Well, it's really kind of fun. And people are going to sell jewelry and T-shirts and everything.
    Sonia  I can go shopping there? Wow, I'm going to have a lot of fun at this festival and things.

2. About you
Answer the questions.
1. Are you going to celebrate your birthday with a party and everything?
   I don't know. My girlfriend usually surprises me on my birthday.
2. What do you want to do this weekend?
   It depends. I want to meet friend this weekend
3. Are you going to send your mom some flowers on her birthday?
   May be , but I'd like to send cake to her for her birthday.
4. Do you want to go see the fireworks tonight?
   May be I want to go see the firework tonight.

3. Scrambled conversation
Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.
7    But you can also shop for cool Chinese girts and things.
1    Would you like to go to a Chinese festival?
4    OK. So,what do people do?
3    There's going to be free food? Great, I'd love to go.
6    Well, I don't know. I'm not big on dances and stuff like that.
2    Well, at least the food is great, and it's free.
8    Uh, maybe, but I don't have money for shopping right now.
10  It's for Chinese New Year
5    Lots of things, like lion dances an everything!
9    I'm not sure. What kind of festival is it exactly?

LESSON D                                      Traditions

1. Celebrating mothers
1A. Read the article. Then add the correct heading to each paragraph.
1. Why people celebrate Mother's Day
2. History of the holiday
3. When is mothers day
4. Ideas for mother's day
5. Traditional ways to celebrate.
1B. Read the article again. Answer the questions.
1. Where did the idea of Mother's Day come from originally? Mother's day come from Greece
2. Which country started the tradition of giving presents on Mother's Day? Simnel cake
3. What was Mother's day called in English?  Mothering Sunday.
4. When do Brazil and Japan celebrate Mother's day? Brazil and Japan celebrate Mother's day it's on the second Sunday in May
5. What are three traditions on Mother's day? Do a special chore for her, buy her some flower's or her favorite candy

Workbook Unit 3

Unit 3

LESSON A                                                              Healthy living
                                                                   Staying in shape
               1.                    Sandra: You look great, Ashley.How do You stay in share
                            Ashley: Well, I don’t eat any junk food these days. And I usually exercise three or four
                                          Times a week.
                            Sandra: That’s great. What kind of exercise do you usually do? I mean, do you take an                     aerobics claas
                            Ashley: No but I just started a Latin dance class at DanceWorld. I really love it. Actually,                                                                I walk there now do you want to same?
                             Sandra: Uh? Thanks, but I’m kind of busy right now
                             Ashley: Really? Where do you go ?
                             Sandra: I go to the Good life it’s my favourite place to eat
                             Ashley: Oh, is that a health food restaurant?
                             Sandra: Actually, no it’s an ice cream store 
                            Doctor: You’re not in very good shape ken, Are you eating right?
                            Ken: Well, I really want to give up red meat, and I try to eat a balanced diet, but it’s hard
                            Doctor: Oh, do you eat a lot of vegetables these day’s?
                             Ken:  Oh, yes. I eat vegetables everyday. I love French fries.
                             Doctor: But what about exercise? Do you do any exercise these days?
                             Ken: Well, I walk to the video store every other day.And I play pool twice a week
                                         Susan’s lifestyle
                             What is Susan doing now to Stay healthy?
                                 a. She’s drinking water
                                 b. She’s doing karate
                                 c.She’s playing tennis
2.                        What else does she to do stay healthy?
                                   a.She tries to lose weight
                                    b.She eats fruit
                                    c. She does exercise
                     B.Look at the picture write sentences with the words from part A
                                        1.Joe has a fever                                 5.Jim and Lil have allergies
                                        2.Taro has a fly                                   6.Sara has a headache
                                        3.Chad has a Cold                               7.Joyce has a stomach
                                        4.Any has a toothache

                                                              I feel sick
                     1.What does Ann do when she has the fly?
                           When Ann has fly, she stays in bed
                     2.What does Dan do when he has a cold
                           If he has a cold, he is at home
                     3.What does Nick do when he has a headache
                          He doesn’t go to work when he has a headache
                    4.What does Pat do when he has a tootache
                          He goes to hospital if he has a tootache
*3*                                                      About you
                1.You: What do you do when you’re sick
                               Friend: When I’m sick, I stay home and watch movies all day how about you?
                               You: When I’m sick, I stay home and doing homework
                2.You: What do you do if you love a bad cough
                             Friend: I chat on the Internet instead if on the phone if I have a bad cough, I sleep all day
                3.You: What do you do if you get a smomachech
                             Friend: If I get a smomachache,  I drink water, I don’t eat a lot. Now about you?
                             You: If I get a smomachach I don’t eat anything
                4.You: What do you do when you lake you fever
                              Friend: When I have a fever, take a spirin. I don’t go out what about you?
                              You: When I have a fever, I’m in bed all day
                                                      How come you’re tired ?
                              It’s my allergies
                     J:What’s the matter, burg? Your nose and etes are red
                     G: oh, It’s my allergies. I always feel this way in the spring
                     J: oh, no! Do you sneeze a lot?
                     G: oh, yes I sneeze all the time. And I got headache
                     J: Headaches too? Do you take anything
                     G: Not really. Actually. I don’t like to take anything
                     J: you’re kidding
                                             You are kidding !