Monday, March 12, 2012

Workbook Unit 4

Unit 4


LESSON A                                        Birthday

1. What month is it?
 1A. write the months in the correct order.
 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

1. January is the first month of the year.
2. March is the third month of the year.
3. June is the sixth month of the year.
4. July is the seventh month of the year.
5. October is the tenth month of the year.
6. December is the last month of the year.

  When's her birthday?
Look at the  dates. Then write each person's birthday two ways.
1. Halle Berry's birthday is on august fourteenth.
    Halle Berry's birthday is on the Fourteenth of August.
2. Jackie Chan's birthday is on April seventh.
    Jackie Chan's birthday is on the seventh of April.
3. Jude Law's birthday is on December twenty ninth.
    Jude Law's birthday is on the twenty ninth of December.
4. Drew Barrymore birthday is on February twenty-second.
    Drew Barrymore birthday is on the twenty-second of February.
5. Sofia Coppola birthday is on May fourteen.
    Sofia Coppola birthday is on the  fourteen of May.
6. Ronaldo birthday is on September twenty-second.
    Ronaldo birthday is on the twenty-second of September.

3. Future plans

1. Sam     What are you going to do this weekend?
    Diane   I'm going to see my grandmother. We are going to have a birthday party for her.
    Sam     That's nice. So, is it big party?
    Diane   No, not really.We aren't going to much. It is just the family. Mom is bake her a cake.                                  Then her friends are going to take her dancing. She's tango teacher.
    Sam     Your grandmother's tango teacher's Cool.
2. Yumi    That was Jun on the phone. He can't take us to Sarah's party.
    Kara    Oh, no.Why not?
    Yumi    No car. His parents are going to the mountains, and they are taking the car.
    Kara    Well, we can't drive. Who else is there?
    Yumi    Dan, but he aren't going to until after work.
    Kara    Well, it looks like we are going to walk. wear comfortable shoes!

4. Happy birthday      
Complete the card with the correct pronouns.
Happy birthday! I'm sending you this card from Mexico. Hector and I are in Mexico City visiting his parents. His parents are showing them all the sights. His mother is so nice. I brought her some jewelry from New York, and she wear's it everywhere.
His mother is teaching me how to make Mexican food. She's going to send us a tamale pot when we get home. Hector loves tamales, so I can make him tamales next Christmas. We want to do something spetial for his parents, but we can't give usanything because they won't let us!
How about you? Can I bring you anything from Mexico For you birthday?

LESSON B                                           Special days

1. Good times

1. Ana and her classmates are going to wear a cap and gown. When they call her name, Ana's going to get a diploma.
2. The waiters are going to sing "Happy birthday"  and bring Erin a cake . She's going to make a wish and blow out the candles.
3. Allen and Carline are going to give her chocolates after dinner, Allen's going to go out romantic dinner.
4. Bruce and Sheila are going to a big party. They're going to shot "Happy New year" on the beach. Then at midnight, they're going to see fireworks.
5. Ahmad ans Keisha are going to get married. During the wedding, they're going to have a reception. After the wedding, they're going to exchange rings.
6. John and Rudy are going to wear costumes of their favorite comic-book characters. When tey're ready, they're doing to go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.

2. A busy week
Write a sentence about each plan.
1. Oh May eight, George is having lunch with his mother.
2. Oh May nineth, George is meeting a Anna for dinner at 8:00
3. Oh May tenth, George is playing tennis after work
4. Oh May eleventh, George is having lunch with Joe.
5. Oh May twenth, George is doing Yoga before work.
6. Oh May thirteeth, George is going to Keith and Karen's wedding at 2:00
7. Oh May  fourteen, George is going to Jennifer's graduation party at 5:00 pm.

3. What's doing happen?

1. It's not going to be sunny.
2. It;s going to trick-or-treating.
3. It's not going to flowers
4. It's going to fireworks.
5. It's going to diploma.
6. It's not going to be snow.

LESSON C                                   Festivals and things

1. "Vague" expressions

1. Maya    What are you doing on New Year?
    Brittany  Well, my family's having dinner at my grandmother's house . You know, a big dinner with                              ham and  mashed potatoes and everything.
    Maya     Sounds great! Do you have pies and things?
    Brittany  Yeah, but I'm trying to lose weight. There's all this holiday food like cookiesand things. It's really                    hard to be on a diet.
    Maya     Yeah, I have the same problem. And I work at a bakery and everything. So let's enjoy                                  the holidays and diet next year.
    Brittany   Great idea! I'm hungry. Let's go out and eat some cake, ice cream, and things.

2. Carol  Can we do something romantic for our anniversary this year and everything ? Can you give me                       chocolates,    send me flowers.
    Bill      Sure, I can do that and everything.
    Carol  And I'd like to go out for a nice dinner.
    Bill      Well, it depends. Where do you want to go?
    Carol  Somewhere with violin music and candles and everything.
    Bill      OK... Uh, do you want a present, too?
    Carol  Of course! I'd like some jewelry, some clothes, and things.
    Bill      Oh, When's our anniversary again?
    Carol  On the twenty-fifth.
    Bill      Well, I need to get a weekend job to pay for all this.

3. Sonia  Hey, the Rodeo Days festival starts tomorrow and things. So, what is it exactly?
    Pete    Well, every February, kids dress up in cowboy costumes. They wear hats and ride horses,                           and there's a parade and everything. Are you going?
    Sonia  Maybe. I don't know, I'm not big on cowboys and things.
    Pete    Well, it's really kind of fun. And people are going to sell jewelry and T-shirts and everything.
    Sonia  I can go shopping there? Wow, I'm going to have a lot of fun at this festival and things.

2. About you
Answer the questions.
1. Are you going to celebrate your birthday with a party and everything?
   I don't know. My girlfriend usually surprises me on my birthday.
2. What do you want to do this weekend?
   It depends. I want to meet friend this weekend
3. Are you going to send your mom some flowers on her birthday?
   May be , but I'd like to send cake to her for her birthday.
4. Do you want to go see the fireworks tonight?
   May be I want to go see the firework tonight.

3. Scrambled conversation
Number the lines of the conversation in the correct order.
7    But you can also shop for cool Chinese girts and things.
1    Would you like to go to a Chinese festival?
4    OK. So,what do people do?
3    There's going to be free food? Great, I'd love to go.
6    Well, I don't know. I'm not big on dances and stuff like that.
2    Well, at least the food is great, and it's free.
8    Uh, maybe, but I don't have money for shopping right now.
10  It's for Chinese New Year
5    Lots of things, like lion dances an everything!
9    I'm not sure. What kind of festival is it exactly?

LESSON D                                      Traditions

1. Celebrating mothers
1A. Read the article. Then add the correct heading to each paragraph.
1. Why people celebrate Mother's Day
2. History of the holiday
3. When is mothers day
4. Ideas for mother's day
5. Traditional ways to celebrate.
1B. Read the article again. Answer the questions.
1. Where did the idea of Mother's Day come from originally? Mother's day come from Greece
2. Which country started the tradition of giving presents on Mother's Day? Simnel cake
3. What was Mother's day called in English?  Mothering Sunday.
4. When do Brazil and Japan celebrate Mother's day? Brazil and Japan celebrate Mother's day it's on the second Sunday in May
5. What are three traditions on Mother's day? Do a special chore for her, buy her some flower's or her favorite candy

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