Monday, March 12, 2012

Workbook Unit 5

Growing up
                           What's the year?
                               1. twenty ten                      2010                          5. 1982  nineteen eighty-two
                               2. nineteen oh four              1904                          6. 2006  two thousand six
                               3. two thousand eight          2008                          7. 2013  twenty thirteen
                               4. nineteen seventy-seven    1977                          8. 1998  nineteen ninety-eight
                                Talking about the past
1.   Rick  So, Dina, did you grow up here in Miami?
      Dina  Yes, I did, but weren't born here. My sister and I Were born in Puerto Rico,and we   moved here when we were kids.
      Rick   Did you study English when you were school in Puerto Rico?
      Dina   Yes, we were for a few years-but we weren’t really learn English until we came here.
      Rick   Wow! And now you speak English better than I do-and I was born here!
2.   Thomas   When were you born, Grandma?
      Grandma     I was born in 1929.
     Thomas        Really? Were you born here in Los Angeles?
     Grandma     No, I weren’t . Your grandfather and I were both born in China.
     Thomas       So when did you come to the U.S.?
      Grandma     My family were move here until I was 13 years old.
      Thomas       Did you go to school in China?
      Grandma     No, I didn’t. My parents were rich, so I had to work.
      Thomas        And when was grandpa born?
      Grandma      He was born in 1928, but he says he was really until 1947.
      Thomas         Why does he say that?
      Grandma       Because that’s when he met me.
                                                 A life story
This is a picture of my best friend, Mi Young. I took it a few years ago. Mi Young and I metin 1988. We were very  young  then  we became friends. Mi Young is a very interesting person. She was born in Busan, South Korea, in 1984. Her family moved to the U.S.when  she was three years old. They lived in Chicago until Mi Young was fifteen. Thenthey moved to New York City. I cried for a long time after they moved.
Mi Young didn’t live in New York long because she came back to Chicago college whenshe has a eighteen. We were roommates at the University of Chicago four  years- job in Phoenix, Arizona, and moved there. I really miss her! But guess what? Two months ago  I got a job there, too. I’m moving there in  two weeks, and I can’t wait!
                                                About you
1. When were you born?  I was born in 1994.
2. When were your parents born?  They are born in UB.
3. Where did you grow up?    I grow up here    
4. Who was your best friend five years ago?   Namarjargal was my best friend five years ago.
5. Did you ever a child when were you move?   No, I didn't
6. Did you play video when you were little?   No, I didn't
7. How long were you in elementary school?   I was elementary school for four years.
LESSON B                          
                                              Favorite classes
                                   What's the subject?
                1. history             chemistry               economics      geography    social studies
                2. gymnastics       dance                    art                  track            physical education
                3. geography       computer studies    algebra           calculus        mathematics
                4. literature          biology                  chemistry        physics         science
                5. choir                band                     drama             orchestra      culture studies   
                               Across                         Down
                           1. algebra                        2. geography
                           7. track                            3. art
                           8. choir                            4. biology
                           9. history                          5. literature
                         10. drama                        6. orchestra
                                   How did we do?
                            all, lot of, most, some, few, none
                                        Chemistry           English            Geography             Geometry
                Passed                   55%                100%                90%                      15%
                Failed                     45%                0%                    10%                       85%
1. Some students in the class passed chemistry. A few of them failed chemistry.
2. All of the students passed English. None of the students failed it.
3. A lot of the students passed geography. A few students failed it. 
4. A few the students passed geometry. A lot of students people failed it.
                                              About you
1. most of your friends liked? Most of my friends liked P.E
2. all of the students hat to study?  All of the students had to study English.
3. a lot of students hated?  A lot of the students hated geometry 
4. some of your classmates loved?  Some of classmates loved physics.
5. no students ever failed?  No students ever failed Russian.
6. a few students were always really good at?  a few students were always really good at math
7. none of your classmates liked?  None of my classmates liked Algorithim.
8. a lot of students got good grades in?  a lot of students got good grades in four grades.
9. some students dropped?  Some students dropped at
                                                     Well, actually,..
                       Correcting things you say
             1. A  All my friends are bilingual. They all speak two languages.
                         Well, not all of them. Josie speaks three languages.
                  B  that's amazing!
              2. A  The name of my elementary school was Park Elementary.
                         Well, no I guess I spent some weekends with my grandparents.    
                  B  That sounds like fun.
             3. A  We moved to Rio de Janeiro when I was ten.
                         No, wait . I was nine.
                 B   So you were pretty young.
               4.  A   I was on a swimming team until I was 16
                                 Actually no, I was 18 when I quit.
                    B   That's the reason you swim so well.
              5.   A   My brother and I had a perfect childhood
                                 Well, not perfect actually M dad lost his job.
                    B   Really? But you were generally pretty happy, right?
              6.   A   My cousin lived with us for a year-in 2003, I think
                                  Actually, no it as 2002  
                    B   That's was your cousin Alice, right?
             7.    A   My favorite teacher in elementary school was Mrs.Santana.
                                     No, wait.. Her name was Mrs.Santos. 
                    B   Oh, Yeah? my favorite teacher was Mr.Stiller.
             8.    A   When I was little, none of my friends had pets.
                                       Well, at least most of them didn't.
                     B   But you had a dog, Right?
              9.    A   I had black hair when I was born.
                                       Well, actually it was dark brown
                     B   Really? I was born with no hair at all! 
                                              I mean
1. When you were a child, what was the name of your first professor.  I mean, teacher?
2. Were you six or seven when you started high school. I mean elementary school.
3. In elementary school, did you have lunch in the school cafe. I mean kitchen?
4. As a kid, what was your favorite sport. I mean game?
   Did you like checkers?  I didn't play card.
5. When you were young, did you play any music, I mean music instrument, like the piano?
                                                 About you
1. I started school when I was three. Actually, no, when I was five.
2. The name of my elementary school was Park Elementary.
    No, wait... it was part.
3. My first teacher's name was Miss Parker, I mean, Miss Jargalmaa .
4. I always got good grades in every subject.
    Well, actually best grades
5. most of my childhood friends liked classical music.
    Well, no actually hip-hop.
6. When I was a child, my favorite holiday was Halloween, I mean New Year.
7. I remember all my classmates in kindergarten.
    Well, actually, some of my classmates.
8. A lot of my friends did gymnastics after school.
    No, wait... before school.
LESSON D                                              Teenage years
                                               Small-town story
                 1. Kathy Montano interviewed several people in her town about  Kathy Montano grew up in the small town of  Bagdad, Arizona.
                  2. Yolanda Sandoval came to Bagdad when she was a sixth month's
                  3. Yolanda's father didn't talk much about his work because he didn't like it
                  4. On Yolanda's birthday one year, her mother gave her one year purple party.
                  5. At the local movie theater, Yolanda and her brothers saw old cowboys movies.
                  6. Yolanda studied English for four years.
                                                    When I was a teenager
                    1. Did you like your teachers?
                              I liked all my teacher's except for my history teacher, Mr. Crown.
                    2. Did you get along with your parents?
                                No I didn't
                   3. Did you enjoy your high school subjects?
                               I enjoys to history.
                   4. Did you get along with all your classmates?
                                   No, I didn't
                   5. Did you and your best friend do a lot of things together?
                                  Yes, I did. We together a lot of things.

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